Weekly Fighter Verse & New City Catechism (2021.09.24)

4 From of old no one has heard or perceived by the ear, no eye has seen a God besides you, who acts for those who wait for him.
— Isaiah 64:4

Devotional - Luke Humphrey

The God of the Bible is completely unique, and Isaiah 64:4 tells us why: he acts for those who wait for him.

There are many different religions and many different “gods” that are worshiped. But not one of them has the ability and the authority of the God of the Bible.

The Ability to Act

The God of the Bible has the ability to act. When we wait for him, we do not wonder whether or not he can do something. Nothing is too difficult for God. He can do all things and nothing can withstand his power. He created the universe by the Word of his power and he sustains it merely though speaking. His ability is unmatched among the gods of the nations.

The Authority to Act

But he not only has the ability to act, he also has the authority to act. The ancient pagans believed that gods were restricted by their geographic boundaries—that they had authority to act in particular places but not in others. Many of our home cultures believe the same. We may speak of the spirit of the river or the spirit of the forest. But God’s authority is unlimited. He rules over all things.  

Isaiah was writing to a people going into exile. They were to be carried away from their homeland and taken to a foreign country. But even there, God acts on those who wait for him. He is not limited by authority and he defers to no other gods.

The Character to Act

And because of his character, we can wait with confidence that he will use his ability and authority for good. The gods of the nations are often capricious or despotic, but that is not the way that our God is. He never makes a morally wrong decision or compromises his perfect integrity. He is pure and holy and good. And that means that his power is connected with his goodness, his authority connected with his love. And those who wait upon him will not be put to shame.  

How and why did God create us?

God created us male and female in his own image to know him, love him, live with him, and glorify him. And it is right that we who were created by God should live to his glory.
— Question 4 (The New City Catechism)

Fighter Verses
Truth78, fighterverses.com

New City Catechism
Crossway, newcitycatechism.com